This path was a tricky one to draw. Turns out that not all paved roads go in straight lines and 90-degree curvatures, so mapping this road right was no easy task.
Figuring out how to measure a windy road is a challenge, but mapping it out when you're NOT following the graph lines? ...Not to mention running out of room to draw on that sheet of graph paper! Yikes...!
Good thing my travel kit had everything I needed to solve everything! Aside from the obvious writing utensils, I had scissors and a glue stick to cut-and-paste unused paper sections in the direction the drawing was going.
The scissors also came in handy, allowing me to cut a square-wide measuring strip to help me measure those pesky curves!
Then when I got back from that walk, I cut out that drawing I made, and with a small adjustment, I pasted it on the map and made the rounded end of the road parallel to the other rounded road end by the Adventure Plateau.
However, I question whether or not I should have made that small adjustment. By making the roundabouts parallel in some sort, I just assumed that the highway beyond them both goes in a straight line, too. If the highway isn't parallel on the graph paper, and instead is rotated slightly, then the adjustment would prove to be a mistake.
Looks like my next challenge will be measuring the distance between the highway road and each roundabout and finding out for sure how both the highway and the second roundabout are supposed to go.