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Movie Mission, Day 14

Writer's picture: Invisible RingInvisible Ring

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

*UGH*... I'm so tired... How many islands have I traveled now? *sigh*... I don't think I'll be leaving this diner anytime soon. I need a break!

Oh... Has that TV always been in here? ...Huh, never noticed it before. I guess I'll be watching a movie today.

What's on? ...The Archives of Cypress Cove Press? Oh yeah, I remember the theater telling me all about how they like all of Perfect Sky's movies.

...Whoa... this movie gives me the creeps... The mystery and the suspense and the unsettled vibrations... I think that's what's happening to me right now!


That was a great movie... It never gets old. Which is funny, because that was the 8th time I watched that movie! ...I didn't see any of Perfect Sky's other movies more than 3 times, come to think of it. ...So it's obvious what my favorite Poptropica movie is.

I paid close attention to Perfect Sky's special animations this time. They don't look like they're so hard to make now... I think I can do it, too, even if I DON'T have any special software tools to do it.

...OH!... I just realized what I was getting at on my last post! I'm figuring out how to do it myself by studying what Perfect Sky did! I'm reverse-engineering now!

Wow... To think just this last summer I started out as a fan who couldn't get enough of Perfect Sky's movies. ...Now I'm figuring out how to make some of my own, just like Perfect Sky did after watching "PoptropicaStars"... I detect a pattern going on here.

...So... Today's November 15? ...To think I began my movie mission just last month, on October 15. So, exactly 1 month has passed since I began my moviemaking process... but since this is day 14, that means I've been working at a collective total of 2 weeks... or an average of 3 times a week... Now the question for myself is... Is that good or is that bad?

And if I look back at my Movie Mission guest post, it came out on October 6. That means after 9 days, I started my moviemaking mission. ...And my goal still stands: To get this movie done by the end of the year... Yikes. That means I only have like a month and a half left to finish what I started!

...Moving on... How much have I got done so far? ...Well, the good news is that I passed my halfway milestone in my Poptropica research. The bad news is that the research is only the first half of my movie mission. The good news though, is that's the tougher half, but the bad news is the technical difficulties with my movie editing tools and... aye yaye yaye, I'm losing track of whether I'm in a good or bad position right now...

(Hang in there, Ring, you can do this. You've got the skills and you've got the plans. You've come this far, you gotta go all the way...)

...Well, I read Perfect Sky's notes on her movie descriptions. It takes her anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to do the filming and editing of a full movie... And in my 10-minute video "Shipwreck the Pirate Day"...That took me 2 days to make. I'm thinking my movie is gonna last an hour, give or take, so it only makes sense to me that if I take my 10-minute movie, and multiply by 6, I'll get a good estimate of how long I'm gonna take with the actual movie. Therefore, a month more of Poptropica research and 2 weeks of filming and editing is all I need to get this movie out right on time!

Sleepy Bird: Is she still talking to herself??

Me: ...What? We're Poptropicans! It's what we do.

Flo: That's true, but I never met anyone who did it for 2 hours straight before!

Me: Wait... Did you just say 2 hours? ...What the heck, where does the time go?

5 comentarios

19 nov 2021

Hey, IR! I became a guest blogger for the Poptropica Creator's Blog! -GC

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22 nov 2021
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Hi there. This is sisvincent81's guardian. Not only am I the guardian, I am the parent. She snuck on and changed the guardian settings without approval. I'd like to ask you to help me by not contacting my child... it's nothing against you-- we don't know you. For her safety, we don't allow her to chat with random people online. Thank you for understanding.

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