I DID IT! I finally finished all my finals for school! ...You know what that means? That means I'm FREE to finish my movie! ...I'm also free to make Christmas cookies too!
Ahhh... What a relief! Tonight's gonna be a GOOD Friday night... TGIF for REAL this time! To everyone reading this, (which is not a lot, but even if it WAS a lot...) I wish you all good luck on the finals if you still have them to take. I'm the fortunate one that got them early and therefore finished early.
I only have one plan this weekend. To shut this laptop and relax this weekend. I'll tackle the rest of my Poptropica research and movie production later. ...And now that I'm finally on winter break, my "Movie Mission" days will be much more productive. The goal is still to get this movie complete in January and send it as my Poptropica January guest post. ...But as sure as I am that this is my ultimate quest, I'm gonna give it my all.
I'm going to do it right, and I'm going to succeed.