Figuratively or literally? In this case, both. High-sea adventures mean high water, and THIS buccaneer has been going to extremes this weekend in her movie workshop.

I've completed not one, but TWO animations this weekend, and I must note that they both took a heck of a lot of time and effort to make! (AND I have scavenged some behind-the-scene details for my bonus features so you'll know what I did to pull it all off.)
...So what kept me going, and what might I be DOING in the deep end of this pool here? ...Shhhh... Good questions, but not so loud, please! There are times when pirates have to lay low and stay out of sight! There are a lot of reconnaissance missions in times like these, and there's definitely gonna be one in my movie! ...With all this suspense and excitement under construction, how can I NOT press on? I simply MUST gather all I can before I get out of this hiding spot and head to my next station!