Dreams... They work in strange ways. With an ominous tune, a psycho sensation, an addition of angst... That's how they're brought to life. ...And so it is with a dream taking place within my movie.
Philosophers can talk about the power and impacts of dreams for HOURS, but I won't. All I say is that, yes, dreams can get pretty wild and crazy, but they can be important. ...And exciting! That's why I added one in my pirate movie. ...I just created a 4-minute dream sequence, and took the first step in bringing my movie to life!
If this 4-minute clip proves successful, it will be in my pirate movie, but if not, it will be a bonus video or deleted scene in my bonus feature menu. This film test will be featured either way, as well as any other film tests I make, so I win no matter WHAT the outcome!