I made this website about a month ago, but now we are finally sharing our websites with each other in our online class! I hope whoever views my website likes it because I liked making it. It was a great way for me to finally put all of my past school project websites and digital artworks together in one place. I'm not sure what to do with this website now, though... In retrospect, I question even choosing a blog category for my website. I'm no blogger. ...Well, actually, that's not true. I'm a guest blogger for Poptropica now. But having my own blog is something that I'm really not used to.
Perhaps if we have assignments for expanding on our website or something, I can figure things out from there. For now, though, I'm very busy with drawing and cardboard crafting, and moviemaking. And that's just the hobby stuff. I have schoolwork to do too!
So, as a recap, It was a lot of fun to make our very own websites that we could do whatever we want with. I feel like my website is like my very own online headquarters now! That's the enjoyable part of this assignment. The hard part is figuring out what to do with our websites now.