That cherry mountain special was DELICIOUS! It came a week late, but it was definitely worth it! ...Bartender, I'm ready for the next weekly dessert special!
...Bartender? ...Hello? Bartender? Are you there? ...Oh dear, wherever could she be?
I hope she didn't get held up by summer school homework again! ...Wait a minute... Do I hear snoring? ...Oh dear, she DID, didn't she?
...I guess this means that the weekly dessert special is gonna be postponed again, huh? Bummer...
...Oh well. I can live with that. These 4 new dessert specials we have so far are all really good. I think I'll have seconds on those!
...And I'll have thirds on the latest special. I like it WAY better than the ginger-cake special that came right before that! ...I mean, I liked that one too, but I think having that extra week it took to make the cherry mountain special just made it that much better!
...Perhaps this will work out for this next dessert special. It may come a week late again, but as a result, it could very well come out as the best dessert special yet! ...just like last time. Guess I'll have to just wait and see.