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Movie Mission, Day 11

Writer's picture: Invisible RingInvisible Ring

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

*Siggghhhh... well, the good news is that so far, I have learned more about Poptropica than I ever thought possible! ...The bad news is that I can't get this cursed question out of my head, which is "What went wrong?" ...Nearly EVERYONE thinks that something in Poptropica went horribly wrong years ago, and it all went downhill from there! But... They can't agree what it is... And I am sure I can find out the answer, just like a mystery train detective, but... will finding the answer mean I can even DO anything about it?!.... Not to mention, did something REALLY go wrong, or...

Bartender: Are you okay, Invisible Ring?....

Me: I... um... well... I dunno... It's just... *sigh*...

Bartender: No doubt about it, there's a lot on your mind. ...Care to share what it is?...

Me: Well... It's just about my project... I don't think you'd be interested...

Bartender: I understand... Saying what's on your mind isn't always easy. And if you have a feeling you need to let out, that's not easy either. Although it's true that everyone has feelings, it doesn't mean everyone likes them...

Me: Whoa... Are you psychic or something?...

Bartender: No, I'm a bartender. It's what we do! People come and people go and we listen in on everything they say and do.

Me: ...Ok... For days I've been traveling Poptropica from island to island, finding all the information I could. ...I'm on a case, trying to solve Poptropica's mysteries.

Bartender: ...Hmmm... So that's what I heard in the other rooms of this here clubhouse.

Me: Yeah... The more I look, the more I start to wonder about what all the naysayers say about Poptropica. Like I said before, they had a lot of reasons to complain, but I feel like they have been taking it too far... And they're getting all mean and bitter, and maybe even assuming the worst.

Bartender: But what do YOU think?

Me: I thought at first that there WAS no problem! Poptropica's just different! But as I've torn through artifacts and books and papers from place to place, I start thinking maybe there WAS a problem with Poptropica somewhere... I STILL think the main problems were just the so-called "Globohax Monster" and the shutdown, but I dunno... Maybe there's more to it than that...

Bartender: Maybe... Maybe not. Tell me, are you trying to learn EVERYTHING about Poptropica? As in, everything that ever happened?!

Me: Yes. I cannot accomplish my goal of a movie that will help Poptropica if I don't know the whole story myself. I can't stop until I have every puzzle piece of history put together. I have to know...

Bartender: Ah... I see why you're so unsettled.

Me: You do?

Bartender: Yes. You call this movie, "Battle Morale", don't you? Well, in your quest for knowledge, you seem to be having a battle with YOURSELF. Your mind is in an intensifying conflict, fighting over what you say, and what others say. Sounds to me like this movie is named after YOUR fight for your OWN morale.

Me: ...Yeah... That's exactly what this is about. I'm doing it for Poptropica, but I can't help putting my full self-expression in there.

Bartender: Make sure you keep it that way. Expression is key. Tell me, are you wanting to SAVE Poptropica with this movie you're making?

Me: Well, I... I do... I DO want to save Poptropica... but... my dad told me a while back that I'm not the grand hero of Poptropica or anything, just some loyal fan with some heart and passion...

Bartender: ...But...?

Me: ...But in every quest that's ever been on Poptropica, Poptropicans just like me... We have to figure out how to be the hero! ..."Saving" Poptropica in the island quests is one thing, but I think my time has come. It's time for me to take a REAL challenge and help save Poptropica for REAL. Just like a REAL Poptropican would do!

Bartender: Ha-HAAA! THAT'S the spirit! Sounds like letting your thoughts out worked!

Me: I guess you're right... Thanks, bartender. I think I'm feeling a lot better now.

Bartender: Anytime, kid. Oh hey, you want a drink of some sort?

Me: Definitely! Gotta stay hydrated on my really-for-real Poptropica quest!

1 commentaire

10 nov. 2021

That bartender was a nice guy!


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