It's official! I'm going to make a brand-new channel! I know that I have comics to finish, and my 3rd and final season of toontastic cartoons to make... Oh yeah, my pirate movie too! The sequel to Battle Morale!

I have decided that the whole movie package of my Battle Morale Sequel will be the GRAND FINALE of my Invisible Ring Channel! Only when all of this is accomplished shall I set my YouTubing to new heights and make a BRAND-NEW channel with BRAND NEW content like no one has ever SEEN!

Practicing your Doofenshmirtz Impression, sis?

I think this is more like my inner Doofenshmirtz coming OUT of me. Although it might have something to do with the fact that I watched Phineas and Ferb the whole morning.

Ah, that would do it, all right. Congratulations on the new channel! I never would have thought of doing that MYSELF.

Oh, it gets better. Once my new channel is up and running, I'll feature my old channel on my new channel and vice versa. So anyone who's subscribed to me already will soon see a new channel on the front page with a note that says, um... "Kick it up a notch with my NEW channel!"... Something like that. Oh, and my new channel will say, "Check out my training zone channel"

Training zone... HA! Also, that is a GREAT idea. If there is one thing I HATE... It's watching something AMAZING and then not being able to find something that connects to it because the creator didn't leave a link!

Yeah. It takes skills to get all those links and important stuff in there. My point is further emphasized in my post, "Spice it Up a Bit!" Not everyone knows their way around that stuff. It takes practice to figure that all out.

Huh. That explains a few things.

What surprises me though is that I'm already planning to make a move-out in my Poptropica channel. Of all the Poptropica Youtubers I've ever known... Well maybe not ALL of them, but I know for certain I'm quitting a lot faster than a lot of them! ...Of course, MY years in this kind of Youtubing have been pretty darn condensed. As my favorite quote says, "Don't count the days. Make the days count!"

Hear hear! How long have you had this channel anyway? I have a feeling that it's a LOT shorter than it feels.

TELL me about it. It's been about a year and a half since my first upload with the legendary sword fight. I've brought this up a bunch of times so far in other posts here about how surprised I am and how much has HAPPENED and stuff. It definitely feels a LOT longer than a year and a half. One of these days I'm gonna get SHOCKED just thinking of how I mashed together my ultimate movie package in just 3 months. ...3 MONTHS! Who DOES that? Of course, It took every single day of that time span (and everything ELSE I had) to pull it off. That's ANOTHER subject I kept going on about, so I won't say any more.

That movie was 2 hours long, right? Yeah, I concur, who DOES that?

Me, apparently! I shared this movie with my in-person Architecture class and they LOVED it! Students and teachers alike. They told me I blew up the group chat with that. I told them although it's no viral spiral and box office hit, how many kids in the world can say they SINGLE-HANDEDLY made such a full and hard-planned movie plus bonus features in THAT little time? They answered, "None kids!"

Yep. Sounds about right. Apologies for not having any snarky comments here; I didn't get enough sleep last night. Also, finals stress.

Ooh, I get that. ESPECIALLY the stress of the finals. I even mentioned THAT in my HQ. But don't worry. No funny comments needed because I have MORE news about my next-step plans. I'm thinking of adding a NEW website to go with my new channel. ...I think It'll be GREAT, getting a fresh clean start with a new headquarters.

A fresh clean start sounds good to me!

Oh...! Ok... I figured you were gonna ask what would become of THIS website when that happens.

That didn't occur to me, actually. What WILL happen?

Well, lemme think... How do I put this?... Well, first things first. I must say that I sent my miniature blimp guest post to Poptropica just last Saturday.
I call it, "Invisible Ring Returns in a Blimpy Trance"... Gosh, I hope I remembered to mention the title in my e-mail to Poptropica! Did I forget to add the title??...
Anyway, getting off of Hiatus and back into Poptropica Guest Blogging means that I'm still adding buttons to this website. Depending on how things go, I may or may not be still adding buttons here after I move my main activity over to my new channel/online HQ.
...There's really not much else to say without getting too far ahead of myself. As I said, I still have more to do on this channel. We're talking say... maybe 6 more months before I can wrap everything up on my current channel...? No guarantees, but that's my best guess.

A "Blimpy Trance"? Seriously? THAT'S what you went with?

Yeah! ...You know, like one of the songs in the music credits of my movie: "Blippy Trance."
Speaking of movies, I'm happy to say that my next movie in fact WILL be more upbeat than the movie I've got so far. All things serious are finally out of the way, so now I can put on a show of comedy, action, and raw unspoiled ADVENTURE!

Sounds like YOU all the way. Definitely the kinds of movies I like seeing on your channel.
...I wonder how Legendary Swords will stack up when all said and done, though?

Oh, gosh. ...Well, uh... That's a complicated question. I still love the funny fight in the movie but the whole "Thanks for watching" thing after that? SO outdated. ...Granted I was only trying out what other YouTubers did, just like I did with my WORST movie... That Behind the Scenes video I did after the swordfight... YEESH.
Is there any wonder why I'm looking forward to making a new channel and getting a fresh clean start?

I don't remember the Behind-the-Scenes video. And I thought the swordfight was GOOD for a first-on-the-channel video. One of my friends became a subscriber after he saw it!

Yeah. I think so too. And it's just as well you DON'T remember the bad one. The lighting was all wrong, the speech was terrible, all boring jibber-jabber is outdated, and I think even the running crank call joke could have been better.
I even made that video, "Poptropica Pro Studio" just to try and make up for that bad rep! ...But I guess I don't COMPLETELY hate that old dud. ...It's just a reminder of how I started out when I tried to make and post a video all by myself for the first time.

That's fair. I feel similar about my earlier stories.

I think that it's ALSO for the best that my current channel never got all that well known. As I said, this is my training grounds and the REAL test is with my NEW channel. I'm BOUND to get more recognition THERE! ...Provided that I PASS that test, of course. But I'll be READY! Like any test, I've got a notebook RIGHT HERE, and I've already got plans for a dozen different movies to make!
...Oh, by the way, sis, You're in most of them with me.

Sounds good to me! I DO keep telling you you're free to hijack me for 'em! You GO, girl!
By the way, I almost forgot to ask: Why are you in your pajamas?

Because I CAN be! I only got 3 weeks before the summer term and well... Now's my chance, now or never. I've seen my mom celebrate pajama day at home a lot and I guess I just wanted to try it out.

Ha Ha! That's fair.

This is gonna be GREAT, I tell you! You and me, putting on shows like NEVER before! Just like my favorite YouTube channel! And who knows? Perhaps THIS next channel is key to finally getting my name out there! And YOU'LL be recognized, too! Being the big sister and plus-one of the next star performer prodigy! Hee Hee Hee...

Awesome! What's your favorite YouTube channel again?

Daniel LaBelle! Not tryin' to be a copycat or anything; I just REALLY want a piece of THAT sibling-sibling comedic action!

Ah... THAT shouldn't be too hard to furnish... PANDA!

Oh really, PEACOCK? ...Hey, I should write that down in my notebook!

You do that. It seems to be our THING at this point.

What seems to be our thing?

What we just did! Referencing the exchange between Po and Shen!

Oh. Ok. It's been a long time since we last did that though. I almost forgot!
But you know the best part of these plans? You'll actually be ABLE to be my plus one now! We're both living off-campus next semester so I'll finally be able to see more of you again!

Amen to that, sister!

Alright then, it's settled! I've said my peace and we are both on the same page for the near future. This is gonna be GREAT!
...Wow, it's also gonna be LATE. Look at the time! I better turn in now so I can finish recovering from this crazy semester. ...Oh, and good luck on your finals!

Thanks a bunch, and same to you!

Um... I already finished MY finals. ...Did I not make that clear or something?

Um... No I guess not. Oops!

Well, Good night! See ya on our next sister-sister post! ...Or when you finish your semester and come home. Whatever comes first!

See ya then, Peahen!

"P-Han?" What?! What the heck, is that what you just called me?? What the heck is a P-han, is that short for Poptropica-Hannah? I hope not, that's just freaky.

I said "PEAHEN"! ...It's a female peacock!

What?? I thought I was supposed to call you peacock and YOU were supposed to call me PANDA...
...You know what, never mind! We'll talk about this later, OK?
Good night everyone! Invisible Ring and Blue Ice out!