It's SATURDAY! Time for another incredibly sweet special at the diner!

They've been coming up with a new dessert concoction every week for the past 3 weeks! There was this (1)Candy Brunch Platter, and then some sort of (2)Dairy Queen Explosion Surprise! And then just last week there was this (3)Choco Bat Ginger Cake topped with bubblegum and peppermint! ...Mmmmm-MMM!
The bartender told me in advance that there was gonna be a new cake to compliment that cake this week, too! I can't wait! ...HEY BARTENDER! BRING OUT THE WEEKLY SPECIAL! IT'S ANOTHER CAKE, RIGHT?

...What's going on back there?
(Background Pandemonium)
"Chef! I need help! Where are the gingerbread cookies?!... Chef?! CHEF!! Dad Gum, where IS she?! I THOUGHT we agreed-
(Phone ringing)
...Hello? Where are you at?? Why aren't you here? ...What?! You too?! Oh, no, what are we gonna DO?? We were supposed to have this out YESTERDAY! ...Yeah, the weekly specials are every Friday! ...No? Every Saturday? Maybe every Friday OR Saturday! ...Plan B? ...Agh, I can't believe we have to go to plan B, I REALLY wanted to get this treat out on our menu! ...You too, huh? *sigh* Guess there's always next week." BEEP

I'm terribly sorry, kid. We are running SO far behind on our dessert special this week. The chef and I have been backed up by the summer term and we barely have ANY time or energy left to get this weekly treat going! ...We're gonna have to postpone it this week, and believe me, as disappointing as that may seem for you, NO one is more disappointed than me!
BELIEVE me! I was SO SURE summer term would be easier than this spring term but these classes are crazier than I have EVER imagined! The first week back, and there have been huge project deadlines EVERY DAY! ...It's BRAINWASH, I tell you! It's NUTS! I'm gonna need a vacation all OVER again!

That sounds TERRIBLE! Why are you even putting UP with summer school? It's SUMMER!
...Oh wait, you're trying to finish a degree, aren't you? Architecture, right?
Everyone keeps telling me THAT's one of the toughest subjects in the WORLD! Toughest career AND toughest certification!
No WONDER you're backed up. You even SOUND backed up! ...My condolences, Ma'am. Hang in there!...

Bless your heart, child. And don't worry. It's not all bad.
The chef and I cooked up a (4)Plan B special yesterday, and we just finished putting it up on the menu as a dessert special fallback.
...And I know what you're thinking... "You have time to make a fallback dessert, but no time to make a dessert special?"
Well, that is unfortunately so. If you're wondering how that is, let's just say it's much easier to make a cake from cake mix than it is to make a cake from scratch.

Well, I'm glad you got SOMETHING on the menu this week! I'll have that!
...oh, and here's a tip for all your trouble.

Ten chocolate coins? Why thank you! ...And they're all half-dollar coins, too! This is just what I needed.
...Here's the Plan B special, Ring. Hope you enjoy it!

I'm sure I will! Thanks!
...Oh, and good luck with your summer, too!
(1)= Toontastic S3E1: Spring Chickens
(2)= Toontastic S3E2: The Blizzard
(3)= Toontastic S3E3: Bat Attack!
(4)= New video: Day at the Cafe