Yes, they have all gone up quite a bit since this last post, haven't they?
...More fun number milestones, except they're not all round numbers this time. They're all multiples of 5! (Note: This is the 146th post, but there WERE 145 posts before this one!)
...But not only have the numbers gone up, but so have the categories!
With more than 100 videos now, it's harder to decipher the percentages. So, here's a simplified list of the statistics:
Studios.......................... 12 videos
Holidays....................... 32 videos
Toontastic.................... 30 videos
Comics.......................... 20 videos
Adventures.................. 25 videos
Music............................ 15 videos
Playthrus...................... 13 videos
Chinese......................... 3 videos
.........And THAT makes 150 videos!
I am unsure whether or not my channel content will reach 200 videos before the channel is complete, but one thing I AM sure of is that I'm gonna need to make a new Top Ten Video List pretty soon!