Saturday: I create my new weekly cartoon.
Sunday: I take the comic book I just completed and put it in a video.
Today: I just finished creating my new Poptropica adventure, "The Poptropican Pirate's Progress".
I haven't made 3 videos in 3 days since last summer! ...I remember that time clear as a bell: Thursday's the superhero flick, Friday's the Pro Studio film, and Saturday's the Worlds Clubhouse recording. ...Then I went on a 2-month hiatus before making any new videos.
Does this mean I'm gonna take ANOTHER 2-month break this summer? I hope not! I still wanna make new cartoons each week. I also have plans for another Poptropica adventure, so I'm pretty sure I'm still raring to go. ...But in case you're wonderin', I'm not adding yet another video tomorrow! ...Consistency isn't exactly my strong suit.